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    GistNation - Your Gist And Entertainment Hub


    (Must read) Fact for the ladies

    Dear girls
    I know some of you compare yourselves to other girls,
     wishing you were photogenic like them,
     wishing you could look pretty without trying like them,
    wishingyou had facial features like them,
    wishing you had physical features like them,
    and then you look in the mirror and say 'Why do I look like this and not like that.!.'

    Well, let me tell you this.

    Don't try to be like them, be like yourself. I can promise you,
     there is a guy out there right now who thinks you are beautiful exactly the way you are,
    and thinks you're prettier than the girls you compare yourselves to.
     Don't change a damn thing about yourself.

     You're just perfect yourself.

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