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    Word Of Advice To Ladies

    Searching for Mr perfect will cause you nothing but heartaches.

    It is an endeavour in futility because no such creature exists.

    Why do you seek perfection when you are not perfect yourself?

    Why do you place such an insurmountable obstacle infront of you?

    Why have you made your life and relationships difficult because of such an irrational demand?

    Unless God sends down an angel to marry you, which is an impossibility, you have to choose a human being, like the rest of us.

    Any woman you see enjoying a great relationship worked on that relationship. There are no short cuts. Perfectionism may work well in a novel, movie or television show, but in real life it will frustrate you, and lead you to massive pain.

    Are you compatible with this guy? Can you live with him in peace without going crazy? If your answer is yes, then you are in a very good place.
    You can deal with the ‘minor’ details later. However, if your answer is no or if you had rather dip your hand in a pot of boiling oil than spend time with this guy, I will suggest you look for another guy. Not having lots of money is not a good reason to give up a great relationship.

    A guy may have lots of money but be abusive and insensitive to your feelings.If this guy, who doesn’t have lots of money, makes you feel on top of the world emotionally, then you should think about how to work out the financial angle in your relationship. Think and pray through. But don’t throw it away. Not just yet.

    Is he too short, too fat, too tall, too smart, too dark, too light, too hairy, too muscular, too skinny, bald? etc These are things you can work around. If you don’t want to get married to a short man who will do anything to make you happy, would you rather he was tall and mean to you? A man’s height or physique will not make you happy. Stop delaying your marital destiny by desiring the wrong things. The media sells us the picture of the perfect man with well formed, a perfect body, a perfect job, an IQ of 180, perfect teeth, a nice apartment, a great car,etc. If you want one of those men, you will have to find them in that magazine and no where else. The fact is that if you want a good man, you must be willing to work on the relationship. You should be vary suspicious of any man who looks too perfect. In fact, I will advise that you step back and watch him closely.

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